Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Okay, it has been a few days, I apologize! I can't really say that I have been so busy that there hasn't been time to update. But I do find myself looking at the clock and seeing that the day has passed. What does one do in the hospital all day with a baby who sleeps most of the time? In my case there is a lot of snuggling that is for sure!
So here is what has been happening the past few days:
Sunday night Kelly got another bath. Once again she did well until we washed her hair and then she hated it. The poor girl does not cry much but she cried and cried while we washed her hair.
Here she is getting ready for her bath. I know we have said it before but I will say it again, this baby girl could not be any cuter!

 Wide awake and ready for a bath!
Monday started off pretty normal. Kelly and I spent most of the morning snuggled up. It was a cloudy, rainy day here so really there was nothing better to do than snuggle. Monday afternoon my mom got here. She came to spend a few days with me and Kelly. It has been nice to have the company. She is holding Kelly right now and will leave sometime after lunch. What a blessing our families have been through this process!

 Tuesday was kind of a big day all around. In our adoption process yesterday was kind of a big day. It was an emotional day on lots of levels. I could write a very long story about this whole process and maybe someday soon I will share some of it. For now though we are thankful that yesterday has come and gone.
Yesterday also ended up being a big day around here because the doctors said the "H" word for the first time! They mentioned HOME!! Kelly has been plugging along well the past few days and so we are starting to talk about discharge. We have been here almost two weeks and to hear them talk about discharging our baby girl is sweetness to my ears. There is lots that needs to be done before that can happen but we are taking it moment by moment. Kelly will come home being feed through her g-tube so we will have lots of education on how to use and care for her g-button and feeding pump. Kelly will also have to have heart surgery in the future so we are making plans to have her stuff sent to our cardiologist closer to home. We could be out as early as Friday or if that doesn't happen possibly Monday. Please pray that Kelly continues to do well and that we can be discharged soon. In order for us to make the trip all the way home some paperwork has to be in place as well so please pray that it would be done quickly as well.
One of the things that has to be done for discharge is a car seat study. Kelly has to be in her car seat for the amount of time that it will take us to get home. So girlfriend had to be in her car seat for 4 hours! They did break it up and take her out after two, she got a little break and then back in she went. She did great and of course she even looks cute in her car seat! 

 Today will be a lot more information and another bath! So it will be a busy day at Children's. I will try not to wait so long before updating again. As always thanks for praying our family through these days!

1 comment:

Gladys T. said...

Many Thanks for the blog, pictures, and updates. We are continuing to keep Kelly and all of your family in our daily prayers. In Christian Love, and Hugs, Robert & Gladys Treichel