Tuesday, January 26, 2010

snow play

Last week, when it wasn't literally freezing outside, Jennifer and Bill ventured outside to play. Jennifer thinks it is pretty great to get to play in the snow, sledding and building a snowman.

Jennifer is trying to pull Bill in the sled. It didn't last long, she made Bill get up so she could have a turn.
Yes, if you look closely that is Jennifer running in the middle of the road with her sled. I was inside watching Bill and Jen play, she grabbed the sled and headed down the driveway while Bill was walking toward the garage, Bill quickly noticed and got her, thank goodness we don't live on a busy road!!
Hanging out, building in the snow together.
You know there is a lot of snow when your child has to climb down the drift to reach the sidewalk.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We finally brought the high-chair up for Mikayla. She quickly figured out when she sits in there she gets food! Our girl loves to eat!
Enjoying a cupcake, just the frosting of course.
Sleeping in the exersaucer, again. I promise this doesn't always happen but it is cute when it happens.
I say it often but I do just love this smiling face, missing tooth and eye turned in, I love this smiling face. It just makes me smile.
Being silly, putting her tongue in her missing tooth spot.
This smiling face, oh it makes me smile too. I can't imagine our home without this smiling face.
Some days get long and the things of this world creep in. I worry often about my sweet girls but then they smile and giggle. Oh how the world fades away and all is perfect. It is amazing how these two little, sweet, perfect girls can make life slow down and simply seem so wonderful. Oh how I cherish them...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lion King

Over the weekend we had the opportunity to go see The Lion King. The tickets were our Christmas presents from grandma and grandpa McLeland. They got tickets for all the grand-kids and I think they decided maybe the parents should get to go too. After Jennifer's field trip last Monday we began preparing her for the next play she would see. All week we talked about The Lion King. Jennifer was very excited, yet a little nervous that it was going to be loud. I am thankful that we could not see the orchestra because as you know Jennifer does not like bands! It was slightly loud when it started and Bill and I both sort of thought maybe Jen was not going to do so well but then the animals started coming in and she was hooked (a little girl a few rows in front us bolted for the door and didn't return the rest of the show, I am thankful that was not us). We had amazing seats and the animals were actually coming in right beside us! It was amazing to be able to see the play and Jennifer did so well, she is still talking about it. In fact if there is a lion in a book it is now The Lion King, very cute. If you ever get the chance to see Lion King I would highly recommend it.
The kids are ready for the big show!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

field trip

Yesterday was Jennifer's first official field trip! (Tears welling up in my eyes, seriously she is growing up to fast, her first field trip already!) A sweet friend of ours stayed with Mikayla so I was able to got with Jennifer on the field trip. I was very happy that I was able to share this experience with her. The most exciting part of the day was getting to ride the school bus. Whenever we see a bus Jennifer wants to ride it, "A bus, I ride, I ride!" As we drove to school the only thing Jennifer wanted was to ride the bus and make sure I was coming with her. She had the whole nervous, yet excited thing going on, it was very sweet. Jennifer would have ran to the bus but I was holding her hand so she couldn't quite run. The preschool went to see a play and Jennifer did fairly well for an hour of sitting. After the play Jen was just as excited to get back on the bus! It is funny how a four year old can be so very excited to ride a bus and as grown ups we really could care less about riding the bus for an hour. It is a great reminder once again to enjoy the little things in life, to appreciate the new, yet simple pleasures that we may get to experience. What an exciting day for Jennifer, the only bad part is that tomorrow there will be no bus at school to ride, her teachers could be in for an interesting drop off!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Jennifer loves to help us do pretty much anything, especially in the kitchen. So she loves to help Bill make coffee in the morning. So Friday morning she was all about helping Bill make his coffee and then she thought she should have some coffee too. The whole time Bill was waiting for his coffee to get done Jennifer kept saying she wanted coffee. So of course Bill being the funny guy he is decided to let Jennifer have coffee. (Just so you know he barely put any in her cup and made sure it was cool before she got the cup!)

Sitting down to enjoy a cup of coffee together! As you can see Jennifer is pretty excited!
Are you ready to try yours?
This girl makes me smile with her goofy smiling face!
Taking her first drink! I don't think she really even drank any, she decided that coffee was gross! I believe she plugged her nose and said ewwww! Bill decided that maybe as the girls get older they will like coffee and then they can have a little time of just drinking coffee and talking, I love that idea but if they are like their mom they will not like coffee!!
Here is one sleepy girl. Mikayla makes me laugh because sometimes she will fight sleep to the end and not want to nap. However this day she was so tired that she feel asleep while playing in her exersaucer! She, like her sister, is a funny girl!
After a few pictures we moved her to couch so she was more comfortable, where I believe she slept for about five or ten minutes. (She not a big napper I must say.)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

no band

If you ever sat close to us at a football this fall you know that Jennifer did not like band. In fact it is pretty safe to say that she hated the band. I know hate is a harsh word but it is the truth. The band basically ruined the rest of the night for Jennifer. She would cling to Bill and ask to go home.
As we sat at the table tonight we of course had to have the Iowa pre-game on. The Iowa band came on so Bill and I mentioned that the band was on tv. Jennifer somewhat excitedly ran to the tv to watch. After the band was done she came back to table but wanted to sit on my lap. I was feeding Mikayla so told her no, she quickly went to Bill. I noticed maybe something was wrong, so I asked her. Jennifer's reply, in a sad voice, "band". She had watched the band and hated them even on tv! She clung to Bill and kept saying "no band, all done". Bill and I could not help but laugh a little. Just like at the games this fall the band once again ruined her night. For the next twenty minutes Jennifer followed Bill and I around wanting to be held, wanting the make sure the band was really done. The poor girl, as funny as it was it also breaks my heart that she gets so scared. I guess there will be no band playing in her future!