Sunday, July 22, 2012

4th of July

I am a little late yes but here are a few pictures of our fun and sick 4th of July weekend.
There is always a kids day on the 3rd and so we ventured downtown for the fun. We tried to get Jennifer to ride her bike in the kids parade but she wanted no part of it. She just wanted to watch. And she really wanted to ride the smiley train. Mikayla thought she would give it a try too but the second the girl behind her squeaked her little horn Mikayla was done. She does not like sudden loud noises so this was the closest she got to riding the train. Jennifer on the other hand loved it!

 The morning of the 4th started out crazy and really, really hot! The girls were ready to walk in the parade and "throw" candy with our Xio's Voice friends. Jennifer did a great job throwing her candy and loved every minute of it. This was the happiest she was all day because shortly after the parade the poor girl got sick. 
 Mikayla loved the parade as well. She tried to "throw" a few pieces of candy which was very cute. She was more loving the music that they were playing on the float, she was busting a move in the stroller, very cute.
 While I was snuggling with a sick girl Mikayla was having a little supper provided by her dad. She proceeded, as you can see to make a huge mess. The sweet thing was that when Bill commented on the big mess she had made Mikayla pointed to the chair and said, very clearly, "Mess!". 
 The next day we were off to camp with Papa Jim & Mama Sue. It was really too hot to do much of anything but we had fun anyway. Jennifer loves camping.
 We tried to cool off in the lake but sadly it felt more like a warm bath then a cool relief. 

 Of course Mikayla needed to be buried in the sand at least once, we were after all in the sand!