Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trunk or Treat

Last night it was (finally) time for Trunk or Treat! Jennifer has been counting down the days for pretty much the entire month. From the moment she woke up she was asking when it was time for Trunk or Treat. And of course because Jennifer was so very excited, Mikayla was so very excited as well.
Jennifer wanted to be a princess. Every time we talked about trunk or treating she would say she was going to be a princess. And so it was into the dress up clothes we went. If this dress looks familiar, it is, she wore it last year too! Mikayla was a ballerina/princess. And because Mikayla wore a tutu Jennifer had to wear a tutu as well.  
 They are pretty cute if I do say so myself.

 Kelly got to go as, well Kelly. She loved watching all the people and of course getting held by lots of people. Even without a custom she was a hit!
 My princess wore her cowgirl boots under her dress. And if there would have been a real horse there she would have ridden it, even in her pretty dress. 
 So not only was Jennifer a princess and a cowgirl but for a good part of the night she was also fishing. 
 Jennifer spent the night, well not with me at our vehicle, she was fishing, getting candy and just being anywhere but with me. Mikayla started out helping me pass out candy but she eventually left me as well. My sweet friend Rylee sat with me though, although I think she probably just wanted to see Kelly, but I will take what I can get!

When we got home the girls were exhausted. Mikayla went right to sleep but I heard Jennifer talking in her bed for a while. I think she had a pretty great night and it was sweet to listen to her talking about it all. And this morning the girls were ready to do it all over again. And so I guess we start the count down to next year.