Tuesday, January 10, 2012


In October Jennifer was ready for Christmas and now in January she is ready for summer and swimming! Everyday for almost the past two weeks Jennifer has been asking if we can go swimming. Everyday last week and the past two days this week here is the conversation when I pick Jennifer up from school:
Me: "How was school today?"
Jen: "Good. Go swimming today?"
Me: "No we can't go swimming, the pool is closed, it is too cold."
Jen: "Not too cold! Me, you, Kayla and dad gonna go. Ok mom, go potty, get suit on, pack a bag and go the pool." (All in a very sweet voice, she knows exactly what we need to do before we can go!)
Me: "I don't think we are going to be able to go today."
Jen: "Yes mom let's go swimming!"
At this point she is starting to get a little upset with me so I just let the subject go!
Even though we have had the same conversation almost seven days in a row I'm not quiet sick of it yet. I love this girls persistence!
These days will be coming soon!!