Saturday, January 5, 2013


This morning as we were sitting around in our pj's, Jennifer decided she really wanted to go play in the snow. So we decided to bundle up and head over to the golf course to do a little sledding. It was a great thing to do on a Saturday morning!
Getting ready to head down the hill. 

 At one point Mikayla decided to try and pull her sled down the hill, it did not go so well for her. If you look closely you can see her little yellow sled at the bottom of the hill and there she is in the middle of the hill.
 Jennifer and dad going heading down the hill together.
 Jennifer had the bottom of the hill. 
 Jennifer was trying to give dad a push but it wasn't working so well. When her arms weren't working she decided to give her head a try, it still didn't work.
 Once dad did get going Jennifer decided to run down the hill after him, she could have gotten on a sled to make it faster but no she felt like running.

 Just to prove that I did some sledding too. J and I getting ready to go together.
 Have to say I think this is a pretty cute picture.
 Dad and the girls getting ready to head down.
 Heading back up for one last ride down before we called a day.
 Although I could do without anymore snow, it would be fun to maybe, just maybe, go sledding at least one more time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas with Mama & Papa

Saturday evening we had our last Christmas at Mama and Papa's house. 
Of course we tried to get a picture of the kids before we started opening presents and well they were just too excited, as you can see.
 Mikayla was all over the present thing this year. She loved opening her gifts and she had to make sure that every last piece of paper was off the gift, she would get kind of angry if it wasn't all off.
 More horse stuff and this girl couldn't be happier! A huge horse puzzle and a new horse shirt!
 Mikayla loved the box one of her presents came in. She opened her next few presents in the box. And she loves her new penguin pj's!

 Another new longer dress! How beautiful!
 After all the presents were open it was time to do some playing. The kids stopped for a few minutes to enjoy some popcorn and a juice box. These three were a little too crazy for Mikayla, she kept a safe distance!
 After all the fun it was time to get ready for bed. Do they look tired!
 Mikayla is not sure what to think of these crazy kids!
 This seems like a much safer place for her.
 Before the weekend fun can come to an end we have to take a family picture.

 And a few tries with the kids with mama and papa.

 The girls had been gone since Christmas day and had a very fun few days spending time with lots of family. But it was time to come home and relax for a few more days before things had to get back to normal. We had a very fun break but now, sadly, it is time to go back to school and get back into a routine. Goodbye Christmas break, it was fun!