Tuesday, August 28, 2012

preschool girl

Today was Mikayla's first day of preschool and let me tell you she was one excited little girl! She often wants to go to school too so when we were walking out the door her face was all smiles.
This picture is actually from last Thursday when we went for a visit to preschool.
 Here is today, the official first day of preschool. We didn't get a cute picture with a sign like we did with Jennifer but, surprise, we were trying to rush out the door and Mikayla really just wanted to leave, not have her picture taken! (Why is she squatting her wonder, because I was!)
 Jennifer of course needed in on the action too.

As we walked for the truck Mikayla was yelling, "Me, me!" Because she got to go too. Her preschool teacher said she had a good day and she didn't want to leave when I picked her up so I would say that is a good thing!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st grade

Today it was back to school. Jennifer was very excited about going off to first grade. I must admit I am glad that she was so excited because I was not ready for today, I would have liked summer to last a few more weeks and it is just plan hard sending her back to school. Bill dropped her off and said she did great! So now I am just waiting for three o'clock so I can go get her and hear all about the first day! It is kind of quiet around here with just Mikayla home. We miss Jennifer!
All smiles before heading out the door. (Yes, we are trying to be crafty with the picture. We saw this idea on the internet and so thought we would give it a try. Jennifer is holding her picture from kindergarten and we will continue to have her hold her picture from the year before each school year. That way when she is senior in high school we will have a picture of her from every year in one picture! It will be fun if it works.)

 Mikayla was kind of sad to see Jennifer go this morning. Okay not sure if she was sad to see Jennifer go or if she was just sad that she wasn't going to school. Yesterday at Jennifer's conferences Mikayla walked around school saying, "Me, me." She is really excited about going to school. Tomorrow we go for a visit to preschool with Mikayla, she is very excited!
Happy First Day of School Everyone!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Zoo

Our last trip on our weekend away was to the zoo. I have to admit I was pretty excited about going to the zoo, maybe more excited than the girls were!
Jennifer was pretty sure before we got to the zoo that she did not want to see a lion. Of course the first thing we see was a lion! Jennifer did well though, she actually thought it was okay to see.
 She even tried "roaring" at the lion to see if she would roar back. No such luck but she tried.
 Really the first thing Jennifer wanted to do was first on the Merry Go Round, better known as a Carousel to most. This was all Bill and the girls, me and things that go round don't get along too well so I was on for a quick picture and then off before it started. 
 Jennifer loved the ride!
 Mikayla was excited at first but then once it got going was not really liking it. This was her only ride for the day.
 Then we were on to the train, something else Jennifer was excited for. Again poor Mikayla getting dragged along on what her sister likes. Mikayla does not like loud noises and the train had a very loud whistle, so needless to say poor Mikayla did not like the train.
 Mikayla's favorite thing at the zoo you ask? It would probably be the gorilla. She walked around signing gorilla (which is really the sign for monkey) and saying, in her own way, gorilla, gorilla. And then she began growling at us. For the next several days after the zoo Mikayla was still growling and walking around saying "gorilla". 

 Loved seeing penguins! Jennifer loves the movie Popper's Penguins so it was very fun to get to see them up close.
 After a busy day seeing all the animals Jennifer needed one more ride on the Carousel. Mikayla was not about to go back on so she hung with me.
We had a great day at the zoo and then sadly it was time to return home. It was fun to enjoy a few days together before school starts once again.

Children's Museum

We started off Sunday morning by going to church together. That may seem like not a big deal to some but we rarely get to go to church as a family so for us it was a sweet thing! After some lunch we were off to the Children's Museum. So much to do, our girls had a great time!
There was a Wizard of Oz special exhibit that had lots of fun things to do.
 I don't remember what Jennifer was looking at here but I just love the big lab coat that she put on!
 Mikayla loved the bubbles. Once she spotted them from across the room she was off, running as fast as her little legs would go to get there.
 Love that the bubble wand is as big as she is.
 This was probably my favorite thing at the museum. A little grocery store. The girls both filled up a cart and then checked out. It was really cute.

 I have to admit I have no idea what this part was called but my girls loved it. Jennifer could have done this for hours. (There were balls everywhere and you put them in a tube and see where it goes.)

 There was also a pizza making spot. You could answer the phone and hear an order and then make the pizza.
 One last stop at the boat on our way out. 
What a fun way to spend the afternoon!

Friday, August 17, 2012

weekend away

After spending a few days at the fair we were off on a family weekend away. When Bill graduated in June our church family gave him a very generous graduation gift. They gave our family some money to go away and spend some time together. We are so very blessed to be able to serve alongside such caring, amazing people who care for our family in such amazing ways. A huge thank-you to our church family for blessing our family with this fun, relaxing time away!
The first thing on Jennifer's agenda was swimming! When we got to the hotel that was all she wanted to do. I think we unzipped our suitcases, got our suits on and were in the pool within about ten minutes after getting to the hotel! The pool was perfect for our kids, they had the best time. It was a small pool that was only three feet deep but there was two slides that were great for the girls.
 Jennifer started off going down the slide with Bill but then she decided maybe she would try it all by herself. When she did finally did it she was so excited and then of course we could not keep her off the slide. She went down, got out and down again. She loved it!

 Mikayla went down the big slide too (with help from dad of course), she thought it was pretty great! But there was also a little slide that was just her size that she loved too.

 Mikayla loved this pool because she could walk around every where, all on her own! Of course she needed no help doing anything. It is fun to watch her go! She has no fear when it comes to the water right now!

 Although Jennifer would have been happy with just swimming on our trip that was not all we had planned!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fair Fun

We were off to the State Fair for a few days and let me tell you Jennifer had some big plans for what she wanted to do. She was really excited!
And so the first thing she really wanted to do was ride the trolley into the fair and of course Grandma was up for making that happen.
 Jennifer cannot walk by one of these things without posing for a picture. She thinks it is hilarious and I think it is kind of cute.
 Of course Mikayla can not miss an opportunity to do something that her sister just did! 
 Jennifer would have ridden the sky lift a hundred times but there was other stuff to do and see instead.
 Like see Clifford! I love how Jennifer is looking up at him with a huge smile and Mikayla on the other hand is smiling but with a little bit of distance. 
 Always fun to take a picture in the big wooden shoes.

 Who would have thought we would have needed sweatshirts at the fair?!

 This picture just makes me laugh!
 We love Little Hands on the Farm. Mikayla was loving it this year because... she could walk! Hard to believe that last year we were carrying her around so she could do everything and this year she was certain to let us know she could do it all herself!

 We had quite the time at the fair. We ate lots of food, went down the giant slide, twice and had lots of fun with family. The only thing Jennifer did not get to do was... ride a horse. 
Both of the girls were exhausted after our fun filled days.