Monday, August 20, 2012

The Zoo

Our last trip on our weekend away was to the zoo. I have to admit I was pretty excited about going to the zoo, maybe more excited than the girls were!
Jennifer was pretty sure before we got to the zoo that she did not want to see a lion. Of course the first thing we see was a lion! Jennifer did well though, she actually thought it was okay to see.
 She even tried "roaring" at the lion to see if she would roar back. No such luck but she tried.
 Really the first thing Jennifer wanted to do was first on the Merry Go Round, better known as a Carousel to most. This was all Bill and the girls, me and things that go round don't get along too well so I was on for a quick picture and then off before it started. 
 Jennifer loved the ride!
 Mikayla was excited at first but then once it got going was not really liking it. This was her only ride for the day.
 Then we were on to the train, something else Jennifer was excited for. Again poor Mikayla getting dragged along on what her sister likes. Mikayla does not like loud noises and the train had a very loud whistle, so needless to say poor Mikayla did not like the train.
 Mikayla's favorite thing at the zoo you ask? It would probably be the gorilla. She walked around signing gorilla (which is really the sign for monkey) and saying, in her own way, gorilla, gorilla. And then she began growling at us. For the next several days after the zoo Mikayla was still growling and walking around saying "gorilla". 

 Loved seeing penguins! Jennifer loves the movie Popper's Penguins so it was very fun to get to see them up close.
 After a busy day seeing all the animals Jennifer needed one more ride on the Carousel. Mikayla was not about to go back on so she hung with me.
We had a great day at the zoo and then sadly it was time to return home. It was fun to enjoy a few days together before school starts once again.

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