Monday, December 31, 2012

sledding fun

While we were visiting our families over break we took some time to play outside in the snow. Friday afternoon we played outside at Grammie's house.
Mikayla takes a few minutes to want to play so she just sat on the sidewalk until she was really ready to start playing.
 Jennifer on the other hand was very excited to get outside and play. She did a little rolling in the snow.
 And of course she can't go long without wanting to have a snowball fight!

 Mikayla getting pulled on the sled and of course the dog was never too far behind.
 Bill made a path for the kids to go down on with the sled.
 Mikayla could have cared less about going down the hill on the sled but dad thought he would take her, it didn't go so well as Mikayla was slipping off the front of the sled.

 I was a mean aunt and mom and made the kids all sit together so I could get a picture of them all together. It didn't last too long, there was too much playing to be done.
 Saturday morning we were at Mama and Papa's house and we got a little more outside time in while we waited for Ben and Conner (and their parents) to get there.
Mikayla thought it was pretty great to just pull around the sled on this day. She didn't really care about riding as much as just pulling.
 Jennifer on the other hand was loving to be whipped down the street.
 Mikayla did manage to get a few rides in but then she was back to pulling her sled.

 Bill's goal was to see how far he could get Jennifer to go, which Jennifer was thinking it was pretty great to whiz down the road. She made it a long ways!
Even though it was freezing out, it was fun to spend some time in the snow with family!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas with Grammie

The girls got to spend Thursday night with Grammie and then we joined them on Friday to have some Christmas fun together. Sadly the day ended up getting a little crazy for the Scafferi's and Jason was not able to join us but I do believe the kids still had a good time.
Jennifer is in love with Grammie's dog B. Yes she even likes to crawl into her kennel with her.
 Mikayla was trying to liven things up a little bit while she was waiting her turn to open presents.
 This girls loves her longer dresses! Very excited to get a new one.
 Mikayla loves to play with babies. And this baby talks, great for her, not so great for us.
 Once again Grammie spoils this girl with cool new cowgirl boots! Jennifer was very excited and was trying to make plans to wear them to ride a horse already.
 Not to be outdone this year, Mikayla also got some cute new cowgirl boots. She of course takes her cues from her big sister so she was very excited to get boots too.
 A new dress coat and new boots, how cute is she?!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

McLeland Family Christmas

Christmas Day we were able to spend a little time with lots of family. We were able to have lunch with my parents and stopped by to see Grammie for a little bit as well. 
Of course Jennifer is always all over Grammie's dogs. 

 Then we were off to Bill's grandma's for Christmas with the whole McLeland family. It's a lot of people with a lot of craziness but always fun!
Great grandma got to open all her presents first this year so all the grand-kids had to patiently wait until she got done. That is a hard thing to do for 12 kids!
 Mikayla did a little entertaining while she waited. She was on a roll!
 As you can see Mikayla thought Logan's hat was pretty cool. Thankfully Logan was willing to share with his cute cousin!
 Making funny faces with dad.
 Jennifer hung out with Uncle Jay while she waited, she does really like to hang out with him but he also has a really cool phone to play games on! What better way to pass the time while you wait to open presents.
 All the kids got pj's this year from great grandma. This was the only picture I could get of Jennifer's pj's.
 And here is Kayla girls showing off her new pj's!
And to top the evening off the girls got to go home with Mama Sue and Papa Jim for a fun filled few days!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas with the girls

Christmas Eve morning has become the time that we do Christmas as a family. Jennifer has been wanting presents under our tree for a while but she didn't even notice that the presents were under the tree until we told her! The girls were kind enough to pose for a quick picture together before we got started.

 Stockings were first and the girls were so excited about the littlest things that we found to put in there.
Jennifer of course loves her some candy.
 Mikayla does not so much love the candy so she was excited about crackers!
 Jennifer kept saying that she wanted a ballerina for Christmas. Well, we couldn't really find a ballerina so we made the girls into ballerina's! They both loved the little tutu's and wands and Jennifer wore her's the rest of the morning.

 New longer dresses! Lots of excitement over these.
 Each year we get the girls a new game and this year it is the crazy game of Hedbanz. I say crazy because Jennifer calls it the crazy game! We of course usually make up our own rules to games and if you find yourself playing this game with Jennifer, well she will just tell you what you have on your head! 
 We also got Jennifer a singing game for the wii this year. It is none other than High School Musical. She gets to sing the songs into a microphone while the characters dance on the tv, to her did couldn't get much better! Of course Mikayla thought it was great to just use the microphone!

 A quick family picture after the presents are open and we get ready to play the fun games we got!
 After Christmas Eve service we tried once again to get some pictures, since we were all looking fancy! Well  it wasn't so much happening, as you can see by Mikayla's funny face on the first picture.
 A few attempts at a family picture as well, not so great but we had to try!
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas #1

Our Christmas with family started a few days early at Papa Jim and Mama Sue's house. The girls were excited to see everyone and of course open presents!
Kayla found a Santa hat and thought it was pretty funny, she is even saying "Ho, Ho, Ho." A pretty cute Santa, I think.
Hanging out with dad while we wait for everyone to arrive.
 Jennifer and Cole did a little Just Dance while they were waiting and of course Mikayla had to join in the fun as well.
 The girls got new bedding for their presents. Some seven-year-old's may have been disappointed with new sheets and a comforter but the girls were excited.

 Mikayla had to show off her pillow, just like her sister!

 Mikayla snuggling up with Mama Sue, she is trying to inch closer to "help" open up the presents!
 A few years Jennifer got a felt board with lots of pieces for Christmas and now Mikayla loves, loves playing with it so this year she got some new things for the felt board. Both girls were loving the new pieces.

What a fun filled day with family!