Saturday, December 8, 2012

two front teeth

So this post is a week overdue but I have a good excuse. Our camera stopped working, right after I took the last picture that is in the last post it was done, no more pictures to be taken. So thankfully Cyber Monday was the next day and we were able to get a new camera but I have been not so patiently waiting for it to arrive. Here was our excitement as we waited for the camera to arrive:
Jennifer lost a tooth! So now we have been singing, "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"! I keep saying that this is the first tooth Jennifer has lost when really it is her fourth baby tooth gone. This is the first one she has lost naturally. Her other front tooth was knocked out by the coffee table and she had to have two bottom teeth pulled because her permanent teeth where coming in. So here she is showing off her missing teeth!
A cheesy smile, showing off her missing two front teeth.

Mikayla was the model for us trying out the new camera. She of course was very compliant.
She can never go long without making a funny face!
My beautiful girls posing in front of the Christmas tree.

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