Monday, May 31, 2010

water fun

The weather has been beautiful lately and kind of hot. The girls have been enjoying a little water fun to cool off in all the heat.
The girls got matching swimming suits for their birthdays! They also got a water table to share.Jennifer also got a slip and slide, as you can see she was a bit nervous at first but after she got going she thought it was a blast! So did Bill, Jennifer insisted that daddy needed to take a turn or two also. I also took a turn and let me tell you it was much more fun when I was a kid! Mikayla enjoyed some water play too, in her water table.
Jennifer and dad posing at the end of the slip and slide.
Jennifer could not quite get the run and slide thing down so she would just lay down and Bill would give her a push down the slide.
I think sometimes Mikayla wonders what the camera is all about and why I am always pointing it at her. She is clearly not impressed.The pool has not made it out of the basement yet so I'm sure there will be many more water activities to come!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mikayla's party

Our families came yesterday to help us celebrate Mikayla's adoption finalization and while they were all here we decided to celebrate Mikayla's 1st birthday as well.
I think Mikayla really wondered what all the excitement was about. Mikayla got lots of presents and of course as most one-year-olds she would rather eat the wrapping paper, the tissue paper and in this picture the hanger from a new outfit.Daddy is trying to get the paper out of her mouth but Mikayla thought it was oh so tasty.A nice clean baby before she digs into her cake.Mikayla is a great eater but lately as we have been trying to get her to put puffs or cereal in her mouth on her own she just won't do it. It is actually kind of funny, she puts her hands up and refuses to take any food. So we weren't really sure what she would do with a birthday cake. Again she has a look that sort says what is all the fuss about.She thought maybe she would try just a little.She kind of got into, with the help of Jennifer. I don't think she really ate any cake though, just sort of smeared frosting all over her face!
After all the mess it was time for a quick bath!After a busy and exciting day our sweet little girl was just exhausted. She could not keep her eyes open, the poor little girl.
What a great day for our family! Mikayla officially became ours and we got to celebrate her first birthday (a little early). Thanks for helping us celebrate family, it was a great day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

officially official

Today it became officially official, Mikayla Jo is now, forever a McLeland! We have been waiting for this day for several months and today was the day. Mikayla has been our daughter since the day our social worker called to say we had been chosen to be Mikayla's parents. Today for us was about getting the paperwork done so that even now on paper she is ours. For the past several months we have had to explain why Mikayla's last name is different and that yes we are indeed her parents. It has been a long journey to get to this day and now our journey has come to an end. The sweet thing is that really the journey of our lives with sweet Mikayla is really just beginning!
As I lay in bed this morning thinking about the day ahead, I had tears welling up in my eyes. I was thinking about the significance of this day. Today is May 26th, in case you didn't know. This day has significant meaning, yes because today is the day that Mikayla becomes officially ours. However it is very significant for more than just that. You see, five years ago yesterday, on May 25th, we sat in a doctor's with our first born daughter and were told that she had Down syndrome. The next day, May 26th, we sat in our living room processing this news. We talked about the love we had for our daughter, no matter what the world would tell us about her, we loved her with every ounce of our being. We began to discuss how many babies with Down syndrome don't ever get to see the light of day because they are aborted when their mothers are told the news. We then began to discuss that someday we would adopt a baby that needed a home, we would adopt a baby that needed to be loved for exactly who they were, to be loved exactly as God had created them. You see today brings tears to my tears because it was five years today that the word adoption was spoken in our home. It was five years ago today that we decided we would someday adopt. The day that we returned home last April without our son, there was a storm. It was a quick storm, with some rain and lots of thunder and lighting, there was even a little hail. After the storm had passed we were looking out our sliding glass door and we saw a rainbow. I have never seen a rainbow as bright as that rainbow, you could literally see every single color so clearly, it was amazing. As we looked at that rainbow a sweet friend sent me a text message. She said that God had put that rainbow in the sky just for us, to remind us that He fulfills his promises. The sweet thing about that story too, is that the next day when I was talking with some other friends and I mentioned that amazing rainbow they looked at me and said they did not see a rainbow after the storm. God placed that rainbow in the sky to remind us that he keeps his promises to his children. Five years ago today God placed a baby on our hearts that would need a home and today He fulfilled his promise to us.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

last day of preschool

Friday was kind of sad day at our house. It was Jennifer's last day at the preschool she has gone to for the past two years. Jennifer will be going to preschool for one more year but she will be going to a different preschool. The preschool that Jennifer will be going to next year will be wonderful and will actually be a great transition for her before she starts kindergarten but we are very sad to be leaving where she has been going. The teachers have been wonderful! They have made our first schooling experience amazing. We are truly going to miss Central Preschool and Mrs. C., Mrs. O. and all the other teachers there.

Thursday was Jennifer's last day of school.

Friday was a field trip to a farm! We were very excited that Jennifer got to go! I think Jennifer was most excited to ride the bus again and of course the fact that dad got to go was pretty great too. (Mikayla and I went too but we are not nearly as exciting.)

Jennifer loves horses right? Well, she was a little nervous around this horse for some reason. She asked several times to ride the horse but every time it got close she would back up in fear.

All the kids got to sit in a tractor, which was very cool. Jennifer was loving it! Here she is inside the tire.

Even though Jennifer is not graduating to kindergarten next year, the teachers allowed Jennifer to do preschool graduation since she won't be at Central next year. She did a great job singing with her friends, it was a very cute program.

Here she is showing off her certificate and she got a little medal as well, which she is wearing around her neck.The kids got to walk across a stage and receive their certificates and necklace. Jennifer is actually posing for this picture after the fact because Bill was not able to get one when it was happening, but this is exactly what she did!The kids did not wear caps and gowns for the program but afterwards they could wear them to take a picture. Pretty cute I think! (the hat was just a little big for her)After the big program we went out for ice cream to celebrate the big day.
Tonight as we were getting ready for bed Bill told Jennifer that she didn't have school tomorrow. So Jennifer looked at me and told me she didn't have school. We then asked her what we would do all day tomorrow, her response, "play!". She seems to not mind right now that she won't have school but I know in a week or so she will be asking to go back! She really does love it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

a few pictures

A few pictures to share of my sweet girls.

Jennifer and Mikayla playing together. Mikayla loves to watch Jennifer and lately she has loved it when Jennifer tickles her. Here they are laughing together, sweet sisters.
I just love this picture!
Mikayla is rolling everywhere, including under the coffee table.
Oh my, this picture makes me smile. Jennifer tried on her new swimming suit the other night and of course did not want to take it off. While we were making supper she decided she should put on her Jessie boots with the suit. What a picture!
A few pictures from a wedding we were at this weekend. It was a great day for an outside wedding.

sweet moments

I have to share these moments, more for me to remember than anything else...

Saturday was a busy day for us and the morning started out crazy. We were rushing around trying to get out of the house so we could get in the car for a long drive. When we finally got in the car it was a little later than we had wanted to leave, so I was a bit crabby (I know for some of you that is so hard to imagine!). Anyway, I was driving so Bill could read a book for school. Jennifer had gotten her crayons and some paper out shortly after we had pulled out of driveway. This little exchange quickly changed my mood...
Jennifer: "Here you go dad." (handing him a piece of paper with scribbles on it)
Bill: "Thank-you, that is beautiful. What does it say?"
Jennifer: (without thinking) "I Love You."
How sweet was that?! Seriously my crabbiness was gone, especially when a few seconds later she handed a piece of paper up for me and said "I Love You" again.

Last night as I was mowing the yard Bill of course had the girls outside playing. Mikayla was swinging and Jennifer was swinging, sliding, and doing all sorts of things. I looked over at three of them and Bill and Jennifer were dancing in the yard. Bill was twirling Jennifer around and swaying with her. I could tell they were singing and I know they were singing Cinderella songs, because that is all Jennifer has wanted to sing lately. How very sweet to see a daddy with his daughters, dancing in the yard.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

the other cowgirl

Jennifer is all about being a cowgirl. Here she is sporting a hat that she got for her birthday (this is different then her Jessie hat, but a cowgirl hat none the less).Mikayla needed to get in on the fun of being a cowgirl too so here she is with sister's hat on. She is no doubt going to be a cute cowgirl too!

Where did she go?!

This is one of my favorite pictures! I just have to say she is so stinking cute!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

5 years old!!

Today Jennifer is 5!! I'm sure I say it every year about her age, but it really is hard to believe that my baby is five today. Five seems so old to me or maybe it means that I am getting older too. Jennifer has been all about her birthday for oh, the past two months! Each time a birthday is mentioned she thinks it should be her birthday. So needless to say she was very, very excited to have people celebrate her!
Jennifer got to help make her birthday cake, she loves helping in the kitchen, so how great to make her own cake! Lots and lots of Toy Story presents!
One of the things I love most about Jennifer is her excitement for literally everything. We found some Toy Story band-aids and so of course we wrapped them up for her as a present. A five year old excited about band-aids you ask? Yes, she was, I love it!
What could it be? I love her face!
Jessie boots!!! How cute are these?!
Here is my cowgirl, in her Jessie boots and Jessie hat! (The outfit is a little silly I must admit but that's ok, she was so very excited!)
A big girl fishing pole so she can go fishing with her papa (and dad) on vacation next month! And the boots are still on! I would not be surprised if they made it fishing on vacation, we will see!
A cake with Toy Story characters on it! She loved licking the frosting off the bottom of them.
What a fun day Jen had with her family (the ones that could make it anyway), it was after all, all about her! Today was pretty great too, because she got to wear her new boots to church and some sweet friends came over this evening and we sort of had another party, to Jen anyway.

Five years ago today our lives were flipped upside down when this sweet little baby entered our world. I don't think I ever could have imagined what God had in store for us when we became parents. Five years later I am so very grateful for all that God had and has in store for us!
Happy Birthday to my sweet Sister Michelle, I cannot wait to see how you make us smile over the next five years!!