Wednesday, May 19, 2010

sweet moments

I have to share these moments, more for me to remember than anything else...

Saturday was a busy day for us and the morning started out crazy. We were rushing around trying to get out of the house so we could get in the car for a long drive. When we finally got in the car it was a little later than we had wanted to leave, so I was a bit crabby (I know for some of you that is so hard to imagine!). Anyway, I was driving so Bill could read a book for school. Jennifer had gotten her crayons and some paper out shortly after we had pulled out of driveway. This little exchange quickly changed my mood...
Jennifer: "Here you go dad." (handing him a piece of paper with scribbles on it)
Bill: "Thank-you, that is beautiful. What does it say?"
Jennifer: (without thinking) "I Love You."
How sweet was that?! Seriously my crabbiness was gone, especially when a few seconds later she handed a piece of paper up for me and said "I Love You" again.

Last night as I was mowing the yard Bill of course had the girls outside playing. Mikayla was swinging and Jennifer was swinging, sliding, and doing all sorts of things. I looked over at three of them and Bill and Jennifer were dancing in the yard. Bill was twirling Jennifer around and swaying with her. I could tell they were singing and I know they were singing Cinderella songs, because that is all Jennifer has wanted to sing lately. How very sweet to see a daddy with his daughters, dancing in the yard.

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