Friday, February 22, 2013

snowy day

It seems all week we have been hearing about and waiting for a snow storm to come. Well finally last night the storm was upon us. When we woke up this morning there was snow, not as much snow as was first thought, but enough to make Jennifer excited. The girls were up early this morning and school was two hours late so that left us just enough time to play outside before school!
Jennifer was of course beyond excited to see freshly fallen snow on the ground. Mikayla, well to be honest, I think she could care less about the snow. She wants to go outside because dad and Jennifer are but once she is out she does not last long.
 Trying to make a funny face with snowy gloves on does not work so well!
 Mikayla does love to get buried, I think she prefers the sand on the beach better though.

 Mikayla would prefer to pull the sled rather than ride in the sled.
 We were able to get in some outside time after school today as well. Again, Mikayla was just along for the ride. She did not really want to play in the snow, she was loving playing in the house though.
Jennifer on the other hand was loved doing everything.
 There is a little hill behind the apartments that are across the street from our house so we ventured over with our sleds to do a little sledding. Mikayla, well she wanted nothing to do with going down the hill. She just wanted to sit in her sled and watch and so that is what she did.
 Jennifer loved sledding!

 Hope you all had a great snowy day too!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

catching up

So I realized the other day that it has been over a month since I have graced blog land with pictures of the girls. It seems the last few weeks have just been busy. There have been sick days, ice days, snow days, another sick day and well some days have just been plain busy. So here is a little glimpse into our past few weeks.
Mikayla was the first sick girl. Thankfully it was just a twenty-four thing and she was back to herself but she was pretty sad for those few hours. Mikayla does not handle being sick too well.  
This cold weather is killing Jennifer and her needing to ride a horse. She set up her own show jumping arena right in the living room! As you can see she even has on her riding helmet. 
She also discovered that our couch cushions work well when you need a pretend horse. They are just right for her! Again she has on her riding helmet and she also has some reigns on this particular day, made from one of dad's ties. 
When you have two days off of school in one week you need to be creative with what you do to entertain yourself. There is always making a house out of the couch.

 We also made, yes I said made, our own puff paint! In order to dry and make it puff you put it in the microwave, it was pretty cool I must admit.
 One of my lovely painters, who would not let me take her picture without making some sort of face.
 And my other lovely painter who loves to say cheese!
 Our next few weeks are shaping up to be just as crazy but I will try not to wait another month before giving you another glimpse at the beautiful girls!