Tuesday, January 5, 2010

no band

If you ever sat close to us at a football this fall you know that Jennifer did not like band. In fact it is pretty safe to say that she hated the band. I know hate is a harsh word but it is the truth. The band basically ruined the rest of the night for Jennifer. She would cling to Bill and ask to go home.
As we sat at the table tonight we of course had to have the Iowa pre-game on. The Iowa band came on so Bill and I mentioned that the band was on tv. Jennifer somewhat excitedly ran to the tv to watch. After the band was done she came back to table but wanted to sit on my lap. I was feeding Mikayla so told her no, she quickly went to Bill. I noticed maybe something was wrong, so I asked her. Jennifer's reply, in a sad voice, "band". She had watched the band and hated them even on tv! She clung to Bill and kept saying "no band, all done". Bill and I could not help but laugh a little. Just like at the games this fall the band once again ruined her night. For the next twenty minutes Jennifer followed Bill and I around wanting to be held, wanting the make sure the band was really done. The poor girl, as funny as it was it also breaks my heart that she gets so scared. I guess there will be no band playing in her future!


Teck said...

Not even the trumpet?? Mrs. Langford is going to be ticked off. GO HAWKS!

D G Curren said...

Guess she won't be following in her mother's footsteps! HA!!! I forgot all about Mrs. Langford!!!