Monday, January 11, 2010


Jennifer loves to help us do pretty much anything, especially in the kitchen. So she loves to help Bill make coffee in the morning. So Friday morning she was all about helping Bill make his coffee and then she thought she should have some coffee too. The whole time Bill was waiting for his coffee to get done Jennifer kept saying she wanted coffee. So of course Bill being the funny guy he is decided to let Jennifer have coffee. (Just so you know he barely put any in her cup and made sure it was cool before she got the cup!)

Sitting down to enjoy a cup of coffee together! As you can see Jennifer is pretty excited!
Are you ready to try yours?
This girl makes me smile with her goofy smiling face!
Taking her first drink! I don't think she really even drank any, she decided that coffee was gross! I believe she plugged her nose and said ewwww! Bill decided that maybe as the girls get older they will like coffee and then they can have a little time of just drinking coffee and talking, I love that idea but if they are like their mom they will not like coffee!!
Here is one sleepy girl. Mikayla makes me laugh because sometimes she will fight sleep to the end and not want to nap. However this day she was so tired that she feel asleep while playing in her exersaucer! She, like her sister, is a funny girl!
After a few pictures we moved her to couch so she was more comfortable, where I believe she slept for about five or ten minutes. (She not a big napper I must say.)

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