Saturday, April 20, 2013


Friday did not really start the way we had anticipated. We found out some things on the adoption front that we were not expecting. Everything is okay, we just found out we were going to have to wait a few more days before things would continue to move forward. We made a few phone calls to try to figure things out and at the end of the day we just had to take a deep breath and continue to trust that God has a plan in this all.
Kelly was off to get her contrast study on Friday morning. It was very interesting to see how they did it. Poor Kelly was literally strapped to a board so they could x-ray her tummy and see what was going on in there. Kind of hard to watch your baby laid out like that but Kelly was a trooper. She fussed a little bit at first but then just decided there was no need to fight and went to sleep.
 After a busy morning girlfriend was tired. She slept for a good portion of the day. But look how cute she is while sleeping.
 The good news from the contrast study was that everything looked good. She has healed well from the surgery and so with that news we were given the okay to start feeding Kelly! Kelly however didn't really care to eat. We tried a bottle with her a couple of different times and she didn't do much. She has a good suck on a pacifier but she didn't really want to try the bottle. So we will just keep trying.
 A brief moment with her eyes open.
 The most exciting part of the day was when the big sisters got here! I was so excited to see them. And I think they were happy to see me too but I think they just wanted to see their baby sister, especially Jennifer. Does this smile not say it all?!
 Mikayla is doing much better this weekend than last. She actually even seemed excited to see Kelly, which was very encouraging. 
 Even with a rough start to the day it ended up being a great day. There is something about having all of our family together, even if it has to be in a hospital room.

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