Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the crazy mom

Another day is underway here at Children's Hospital. It is a cloudy, rainy day here. On a day like today what better is there to do than snuggle in with a sweet baby girl?
I began thinking this morning while I was riding the elevator that I wonder if I am the crazy mom of the NICU. We have been here almost a week now, that is crazy to think. And each day I get here before 8 and I don't leave until almost 11 each night. I basically stay until I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I leave to grab some lunch and again for supper but I am not gone long. Even if Kelly is just sleeping it is just good for me to just be in her room. Other parents are coming and going all day long but here I sit. Some babies have been here a while and their parents aren't here much, I wonder if some of them have to go to work or live farther away or have other kids to care for. The little girl in the room beside us has been here for seven weeks.  I heard her mom tell one of the nurses she had been work or school, I didn't get which. So I wonder have I become the crazy mom that won't leave! I suppose I don't really mind if I am. I don't really have any where else to go so I might as well be here, loving on my baby girl.  And I am thankful that I can just be here. I have an amazing husband who is caring for our big girls at home. He is trying to work while getting the girls were they need to be, get the laundry done, make meals, and just have things normal all while having his mind wonder what is happening with Kelly. And we have an amazing support system of family and friends who help us out at even given moment. All so I can be here. So I will continue to be the crazy mom for as long as we here.
In other news: Kelly had a little sponge bath today. And girlfriend hated it! Oh how she cried and cried. She has now been sleeping the afternoon away from all that crying. And we had been praying for her to poop as well. They did give her a little something to help her poop and it worked. She had two poopy diapers.
My goal was to take pictures while Kelly had her bath but I ended up helping with her bath and she was so mad about the whole thing I just couldn't take any! So here she is getting ready.
 What an ordeal! She got a new shirt on and was out. She has been sleeping since!
 There is a student with our nurse today and she wanted to take a picture of me with Kelly girl. So here we are hanging out!

1 comment:

Lee said...

I like the crazy mom thought. Crazy with love for a new daughter! I was the mom who only left for 2 meals a day for 3 days. I even slept crib side. Enjoy the alone time with her. It is precious just like Kelly:)