Friday, April 26, 2013


Sorry again for the lack of updates. The past couple of days have sort of felt like a whirlwind. Once the doctors started talking about discharge things got a little crazy. There was a lot that had to be done in a few days. Yesterday morning things were still up in the air about Kelly getting released. The doctor came in and asked if I wanted to get out today. Of course I said if it could happen we would be thrilled! So this afternoon after some training about the feeding pump, Kelly was released from the hospital! Bill came last night so was here for the craziness. The big sisters are not here, which is sad. Knowing there would be a lot going this morning we decided it was best for them not to come. So while we are so excited to be out of the hospital, we are kind of sad because we have to camp out at a hotel for at least the weekend. There is some adoption paperwork that needs to pass from state to state and that has not yet happened. So for now we are just going to rest and wait for paperwork.
This picture is from yeterday morning. When I got to the hospital in the morning Kelly was wide awake! She is starting to have some more awake time, which is very sweet for us.
 Kelly has been awake a ton today, I think she knew it was a big day!
 In the van getting ready to drive away from the hospital!
 We are getting settled into our hotel room for a few days, making it feel like home.
We will be enjoying a hospital free weekend with Kelly! It is hard to believe that after two weeks we get to enjoy a restful weekend with our baby girl. Hope you all have a great weekend as well! I will keep you posted and let you know when we finally get to make the full journey home. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family and for the paperwork to get completed quickly.

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