Saturday, April 13, 2013

Big sisters visit!

Today my parents brought Jennifer and Mikayla out to meet their little sister. Oh, Jennifer could not have been more excited! This morning Bill called my parents house and Jennifer happened to answer the phone, just helping mama out a little bit. She was so excited to talk to Bill and the first thing she told him was that she was coming to see her sister and she had a present for her!
We had to sign the girls in when they arrived, kids under 14 are not allowed in the NICU, unless they are siblings. So the girls got these cool stickers to wear, letting everyone know they were big sisters! 
 The second Jennifer walked into the room she was climbing onto my lap. She could not wait to see her sister! Oh how I loved it! The joy flowing out of this girl for her sister was so sweet.

 Mama even got a chance to love on Kelly a little bit. As you can see Jennifer is on the lap of however is holding her. She did get a little nervous when one of Kelly's medications was done and a machine starting beeping. But we told her what was happening and then she was good. She is worried about her little sister!

 Mikayla on the other hand was overwhelmed by the whole thing, which did not surprise us. There is a lot going on in that tiny room. And she has not seen us for a few days and when she does we have a little baby. I think her sweet little mind has no idea what is happening. She did not want to get to close to Kelly, this was the closest Bill was able to get her. She kept saying and signing "baby" and then pointing to her bed saying "sleep". She just isn't sure what to think of this baby yet. And Jennifer keeps telling her that Kelly is just "her" baby sister!
Our first picture as a family of 5!!!!!
 Kelly has had a good day! Expect for her little episode this morning when she thought she didn't need to breath for a second, she has done well! She does not want to keep her eyes open much so we try to capture  ever moment they are. Hoping in the next few days she wants to be awake a little more. Just had a text from Bill that Kelly is of course awake as he is getting ready to leave for the night, pretty much she may have just kept her daddy a little longer!

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