Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday Night and Saturday Morning

Friday Night
Kelly is out of surgery. The poor girl has had a long day. At about 1:30 we made the trek over to a different part of the hospital, where her surgery would take place. They took her back shortly after 2:00 and told us they would let us know when they got started. It took a while for them to get back to us. They were having a hard time getting an IV in and ended up putting a central line in her neck. Around 3:45 they came out and said they had just started surgery. Around 5:45 they came and said surgery was complete and all had gone well. The only part that didn't go well was the placing of an extra tube through her intestine that would have helped to speed recovery by feeding the intestine sooner. Not a major deal, but we'll have to wait until next Friday before they start any oral feeding. They also placed a G-Button (feeding tube) just in case she doesn't feed well, when we are finally able to start.

Saturday Morning
Kelly is doing great. They took her off the vent around 4:30 this morning and she hasn't required any extra oxygen. Her oxygen level is generally low, we believe because of the heart issue (VSD for you knowledgeable heart folks!!!). We won't know about anything about repairing the heart issue until Monday, when they run some more tests (Pray that if she requires surgery it is months down the road and not necessary in the next weeks!). They have taken her off the jaundice (hope that is spelled correctly) lights for now and Kristin is getting some snuggle time in.

On a little "road" trip to surgery. It was quite the journey. 

Just got back from surgery. What a rough day! (I know I look big, but I'm really only 5.13oz.) 

Hanging out in my cool sun glasses after surgery!

 I decided to stop breathing for a brief moment this morning, so my mom got to help me sit up and get a better tan on my face.

Smiling for my dad!!!!
Loving getting to hang out in my mom's arms!!!! 

The girls are on their way out this afternoon and we can't wait to see their reaction to Kelly. J is over the top excited about her new sister, and it will be fun to see what Kayla's response is. Thank you all for your prayers! Continue to pray that all the paper work goes smoothly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Congrats on being new parents again! Baby Kelly is gorgeous!!! You are right, she does look big in the pictures by herself, but when she is in Mom's arms she looks like a peanut. :-) We are so happy for you both and are praying for a speedy recovery for Kelly. We can't wait to meet her! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you back here. -Bruce, Amy, Joe & Jack