Saturday, August 17, 2013

rough night

Good morning! I started to write a post last night and it never got finished. Kelly had a pretty rough evening yesterday. She was very uncomfortable and we could not get her calmed down. She cried for about three hours straight. If you know Kelly you know that is very not like her. She was off the vent so we were able to hold her and that did not even help. It was pretty hard on us as parents. Usually a little snuggling and Kelly calms down. We finally got her calmed down but only for about twenty minutes. After some more pain meds she finally calmed down again. When we left shortly after ten she had calmed down enough to go to sleep. This morning shortly after we got to Kelly's room we were able to finally feed her. This was such a good thing, she calmed down and went to sleep for a while. Girlfriend was hungry! We were really hoping they would take the drainage tube out of her chest today but they will be waiting another day. They are thinking that may be causing some of her pain. So today she will get to eat, which will hopefully make her a little happier and they will try to get on top of her pain. I will try to update later today and let you all know how her day went. Continue to pray that Kelly would have a restful day, that she would be comfortable and that we would be able to comfort her when she is fussy. As always thank so much for praying for our sweet girl!

1 comment:

Grammie said...

Did they take out the tube? What kind of day is Kelly having?