Tuesday, August 6, 2013

growing baby

So once again I find myself not keeping up here in blog land. To be honest I have no real good excuse. I guess just laziness. We were so busy for the first part of summer that once things slowed down I think I slowed down in every part of life. And now sadly summer is winding down. Kelly has surgery next week and that marks the unofficial end to our summer. And speaking of Kelly girl, I though I would show off some pictures of the baby girl.
We got Kelly a bumbo seat a few weeks ago. Here she is trying it out for the first time. At first she was not a big fan of her new seat but she is doing much better. I think she is realizing she can see the world when she is sitting here.
 Usually when Kelly is on her tummy she just puts her head down and takes a little snooze. In the past few weeks however, her head has started coming up more and more. It is kind of funny watching her. She gets her little feet up in the air and she kind of gets her little body moving!

 This picture is an action photo of Kelly rolling over! She has only done it a few times but we cheer for her every time she does it. I was pretty excited to capture the moment on camera.
 "I did it! Wow, that was a lot of work."
 And here is big sister, no doubt she is Kelly's biggest cheerleader. Jennifer is usually close by to Kelly and of course she thought Kelly needed a hug for rolling over! Kelly got a fist full of Jennifer's hair, which right now Jennifer thinks is funny.
As summer winds down everyone in our house is looking forward to one last adventure, to the state fair of course! Hope you all are enjoying some last lazy days of summer.

1 comment:

Hedlund Family said...

Love all the pictures of Kelly! Can't believe she is rolling over already like that! We will have to find a weekend where we can get together!