Friday, August 16, 2013

out of surgery

Kelly was out of surgery and to her room shortly after noon. Bill and I were finally able to see her about one this afternoon. We talked with her surgeon and he said everything went well. We had to laugh a little bit because he commented 3 times about how large her VSD was. That was the hole between the bottom chambers of her heart. They also closed an ASD, which was small and closed her PDA value. Kelly is doing well right now. The goal is to have her off the vent by the end of the day. She was a little bit uncomfortable a while ago so they gave her some more medicine to make her sleepy again. So we are waiting for what the doctor says next. Hopefully by the end of the day we are able to hold our sweet girl!

She looks so sweet. It is so hard to not just pick her up and snuggle her but we can't, at least while she is on the vent. It was kind of hard to watch her wiggle around and cry with no sound. But soon we will be snuggling with our sweet, sweet girl. Hopefully the next pictures I post of Kelly will be without the vent coming out of her mouth.

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