Wednesday, September 1, 2010

new month

Today a new month starts. I must admit I am glad that August is over. We are slowly getting in to the routine of school, which is kind of nice. Jennifer is doing great! She is loving lots of things about school, including eating lunch there. Jennifer is a picky eater but her teacher says that she is eating well. She even ate tacos yesterday! I was looking through our pictures and had to share the pictures of Jen as she was recovering from her eye injury. What a trooper that girl was! She is doing amazingly well!
We should have taken a picture of her with her patches on but in the craziness of the night we forgot and even though she wasn't opening her eyes at this point she refused to let us even rest the patches on her eyes for a picture, I can't say I blame her.
This picture is also from Monday, the day after. The above picture is later in the afternoon, still no open eyes. This picture below is where Jennifer spent pretty much the entire morning. Bill had taken her back to see the eye doctor and when they got home this is where she stayed. Broke my heart. If you know Jen you know she does not sit long so this was very not typical.
Tuesday Jen was getting a little better but still needed to rest her eyes every now and then. She wanted to rest in the chair at one point and thought Mikayla needed to rest with her, very sweet to see my sisters snuggling in the chair together.
Had to include this picture. Poor Mikayla could not even stay awake for lunch.

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