Tuesday, July 28, 2009


WE ARE HOME!!! Hooray, hooray is all I can say, we are home! I finally got the call yesterday afternoon a little before three. I have to give credit to Bill though for me coming home. He had of course came to see us over the weekend and as he was getting ready to head back home yesterday morning I was a little sad and frustrated. When Bill got home he decided to call down to Des Monies and see what was happening. He got a hold of the person who had to sign our papers and just asked if she knew how much longer it may take, we were trying to plan our week. The lady asked Bill for our name and Mikayla's last name. She had not even seen our file!! So she began digging through her stuff, found our file, signed it and called to Wisconsin to say that we could come home. What a great husband!! The bummer was that by the time I got home Bill was gone. He had to go to Omaha for a workshop and he and the guy he was going with left last night. That was a little disappointing but at least I was home. We have had a relaxing day at home, which has been great. It is nice to have Mikayla in her home finally and it is nice to be able to have Jennifer have some normalcy back in her life. Can't write too long I have a baby on my lap who needs attention and a big sister who is also needing some love. Thanks for praying us through these past days, it is great to be home.

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