Wednesday, July 15, 2009

excited yet overwhelmed

In forty-eight hours we should be in a hotel, as a family of four. Hard to believe I know. Can you be excited and overwhelmed at the same time? That is what I am feeling right now. I am beyond excited to make the trip to Wisconsin on Friday. I am beyond excited to get to bring Mikayla with us for the first time, to put her in her car seat, to get to feel like she is finally, really ours. But yes I am a little overwhelmed. We were finally able to find a hotel room for three nights, it is amazing how difficult it was. Everything was either full or crazy expensive! My sweet husband to the rescue, he started just calling places and found us a room, hooray! We still have details to work out for next week. I am hoping to be home by Thursday but that is not a grantee and we have a sweet big sister to worry about. To stay with me or come home with Bill that is the question. While chatting with a friend tonight she reminded me not to let the little things consume me. Friday is suppose to be a great day for our family to cherish, she reminded me not to miss that by worrying about all that I think I need to get figured out. As I have been trying to figure out life the the past few days I keep hearing the words "be still" in my head. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God". I need to remember Who has everything under control!! It's certainly not me, I'm not sure why I keep worrying about things over and over again. I need to take a deep breath and just enjoy these days, everything will work itself out. I just read these verses and had to smile Psalm 89:9 You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them. When life becomes crazy and I think it is out of control there is One who can calm the storm and make things still. As I take one more deep breath I find myself a little less overwhelmed and a lot more excited!!

1 comment:

Ellen Stumbo said...

We share in the excitment! And you know that many of us will be happy to help out with big sister if we need to. Don't you worry about that, just be still and allow God love and blessings be poured into you in the next days.
Love you friends!