Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It is hard to believe all that changes in a week. One week today, at about this exact time we were standing in a hospital room, signing papers and then leaving with our baby boy. Now today we are at home, grieving the fact that we do not get to be with him...
Jennifer is a school this morning, something that is much needed for her, a little routine back in her life. She had a rough night last night. Bill is gone and my mom is here and when it came time for bed I know her little mind thought that I would be gone in the morning. Every time I tried to lay her down she just cried and kept saying "chair, chair". She just wanted to rock with me. We rocked a while and eventually she claimed down and was able to lay in bed. How I wish I knew what was going on in her sweet little mind.
Bill is studying hard at school, ok so when he emailed me last night he said he had no desire to study but he was doing it anyway. I know he needs to be there but I have to say I am missing him like crazy after just a day. Even if I could just hug him for second that would be enough. It is nice to have my mom here. She is a great listener and it is nice to have an adult to talk to! I don't know if we ever out grow needing our moms, at least I haven't.
I have to admit that this is kind of becoming therapeutic to me. Being able to write and share what is on my mind. It may not make sense, so for that I apologize, but it is nice to be able to just write every now and then. Thanks for listening to my ramblings...


The Janiszewski's said...

Hey Kristin,
I enjoy listening to your ramblings:) I don't have any other way of contacting you other than writing on here or maybe on Bill's facebook....but I would really love it if you could share both of your testimonies with me. Since the last time I saw you (which is probably at Hawkeye) we are all 3 different people and I just wanted to know how it changed for you? If you didn't want to blog it can you e-mail me at lindseyski@hotmail.com? I hope to hear from you sometime....take care! ~Lindsey (Mills) Janiszewski

Trina said...

Hi Krust. My family is sure thinking about you guys right now. I don't know what else to say... I can't imagine what you are going through. It's great you have wonderful people around to help you through this. Take care, and don't worry about the ramblings. It's great we can stay in touch this way and share in the good times and the not so good times. It's got to be comforting to know so many people have you in their thoughts and prayers. Garrick

The Bergmans said...

Keep the rambling coming! If it helps you we will listen as much as it takes. Take care and know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. I hope the rest of the week goes FAST and you have Bill back soon!
Love from the Bergmans!!

Catherine White said...

We are so glad to lend an ear for you. It is the least that we can do to support you through this time. Thank you for sharing and being so real about all that you are thinking and feeling.
Loving you all,