Friday, April 24, 2009

home...without our baby

This is very hard to write but I wanted to get it written so everyone knew what is happening. Bill, Jennifer and I made the ten hour journey home last night without our sweet boy. We got a call about five-thirty from our social worker with some not great news. She had to contact the birth father for court and in conversation with him he stated that he had every intent to parent the baby. The social worker then called the birth mom so see her take on this news, she simply said that she was glad that he had decided to help so she would be on her way to get the baby. Our social worker said we could have as much time as we needed but we felt that the quicker the transition took place the better. So we packed up our sweet baby and took him to the social worker. I can't begin to tell you our emotion. We are processing a lot right now. Not really sure what to think or how to feel. After leaving our baby we simply wanted to get home with Jennifer. So we packed up our hotel room and arrived home about four o'clock this morning. We are happy to be at our house as we begin to grieve and process what has just happened. Our hearts are breaking for this sweet baby, we honestly don't know what will happen to him. Thank-you for your prayers through out this process. Our past week has been a journey, more than we could have ever imagined. We know that God has a reason and purpose for this, we just don't know what it is yet. We are praising God for bringing us home safely last night and that we can be at home with Jennifer. We will keep you posted...
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. Psalm 28:7a


Cindy said...

Bill & Kristin - I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. I just read a Christian fiction book about a similar situation - Cradle of Dreams by Joseph Bentz. I don't know if it will help at all. We are praying for all 3 of you, through this transition.

The Janiszewski's said...

I'm so sorry this has happened! I am weeping and my heart is breaking thinking about what you must be going through right now. I'm so glad to know that you draw on the strength of the Lord b/c I don't know how anyone could get through this without Him. I'll be praying for you guys and baby Caleb.

Ellen Stumbo said...

We love you guys. Know that we are here for you.

The Bergmans said...

We're thinking and praying for you all!! So hard to imagine what you are going through. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Love from the Bergmans.

Emilie said...

Hi, I am Tarra Stangl's sister Emilie. Tarra told me about what happened, and I so sorry for everything you have gone through. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.