Monday, May 27, 2013

rainy day

So it seems rain has kind of become the norm around here. So what do we do when there is no school today and it is of course raining?
Well to start the morning off our girls thought we needed to put together the large foam letter mat that Mikayla had gotten from mama and papa for her birthday. They proceeded to have a little party on it!
 Showing off their "moves". 

 The girls then went down the basement to "play" for a few minutes. You never really know what is going to happen when they go downstairs without supervision. This is what Jennifer came upstairs looking like. Who can blame her really? We did after all just put all this stuff away a few weeks ago!
 After bundling up, for a snowstorm, Jennifer thought it would be fun to go play in the rain. It is hard to see but she is on the red horse swing. This didn't last long though.
I would have voted to sleep in on a rainy day off. But as you can see my girls were not have any of that. I suppose maybe, just maybe, this was a little more fun than sleeping in.

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