Thursday, May 30, 2013

a new button

So many people have observed lately that Miss Kelly girl has been missing her fashionable tube and backpack that seemed to be with her all the time. Well here is the deal, Kelly still uses her feeding tube. In fact she is hooked up about ten each night and is feed through her feeding tube all night long. We turn it off in the morning and then bottle feed her through out the day. Kelly is doing well at taking the bottle but hooking up to the pump at night is our way of making sure she is getting enough formula in a twenty-four hour time span. It is kind of our safety net for now. This is sort of our plan until after Kelly's heart surgery in August. Kelly will be sporting her G-button until she is at least two, even if we are not using it, which of course is our ultimate goal.
Speaking of her G-button, yesterday we traveled up to Mayo to get a new one. They usually change out the button after about six weeks. So Kelly got a new button, this particular button is actually different than her first one. It is slightly smaller in size, which I kind of like. And they also showed Bill and I how to change out her button. The doctor told us it was really easy, I was a little skeptical at first, but she was right. It will be a lot easier than I thought. So if Kelly's button were to come out for some reason (let's just say a big sister happens to pull it out or Kelly gets a hold of it for some reason) we can now put it back in.

 Mikayla went with us yesterday and so she kind of missed out on a nap and then the girls went to bed a little later than normal. So this morning Mikayla was a little tired. I asked her if she wanted to take a bath and her response was "no". A few minutes later, it may have been more like seconds later, she was laying on the floor, asleep.
 I knew she was tired because she laid down while watching one of her music videos. Usually she is up signing and dancing along to the songs, not this morning.
 Later in the day while we were waiting for our adoption social worker to come for a visit, Mikayla was wanting to take pictures. So we took a few self portraits.
 And a picture of Kelly was in order as well. She really is a cute, cute baby!

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