Saturday, May 25, 2013


This morning we were getting ready for a visit from Mama and Papa and so we were making brownies to have after lunch. We decided to put a few chocolate chips into the batter for an extra treat. Well a few more than we expected ended up in the batter.
If you look closely you can see the empty chocolate chip bag in Mikayla's hand and she is trying to look sad, not very convincing. 
 Bill and I both turned away to put stuff in the sink and Mikayla decided that we should put the whole bag in the batter! We couldn't really scold her because we were both laughing so hard!
 Chocolate chips anyone?!
 Bill then tried to scoop out the excess chips into a bowl and Mikayla proceeded to dump them back in, twice, before Bill wised up and moved the bowl away from her!

Our girls do love to help in the kitchen, this particular day Mikayla was just extra helpful! The brownies were still good, they just had a few more chocolate chips than first expected!

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