Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Where's Kelly?!

Bill and Jennifer were off to soccer practice tonight, so it was just the little girls and I at home. We had a busy afternoon so Mikayla was vegging out on the couch playing the I-pad and I was putting a few things away in the kitchen. Kelly was playing on the floor with her toys. 
I look out in the living room and this is what I see! Kelly had some how gotten her toy basket on her head. At first I thought she was getting fussy with it on there but not the case. Girlfriend was cracking herself up! She kept laughing while trying to take it off. It was so darn cute.

 Of course once I got the camera out Mikayla noticed the commotion and had to come take the basket off. Kelly looks as if she was not too happy that the basket came off. 
 Then Mikayla needed to have her picture taken with Kelly and she insisted that she hold her. I tried to bargain with her and just have Kelly sit beside her but she was not having it.

 I love watching these two lately!
 Then I was just trying to snap some pictures of the baby girl...

 And then Mikayla thought we should all have a picture together...

Fun times with these two girls!

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