Monday, May 26, 2014

out with the old

So after almost 25 years of being sat on, rocked in, slept on, wrestled on and climbed on it was time to say good-bye to our furniture. If you grew up with us you recognize this furniture from Bill's house, if you went to college with us you recognize this furniture from our apartments and if you have ever been to our house in the past 11 years you recognize this furniture. It has been through a lot! But after months (and I do literally mean months!) of looking, it was time to say good-bye to the old and get ready for the new.
 I have been sitting on this furniture with Bill for over 18 years. This furniture is in pictures of us dressed up for prom, studying in college and rocking all three of our babies. Oh the things this furniture has seen and been through!

Oh the memories that these pieces hold, it was a little weird taking it out of the house. It is funny the timing of us getting new furniture. Us getting something new is a big change, especially after over twenty years! Bill shared in church on Sunday how God has used us getting new furniture to help him realize some things about change in his heart. Who knew God would use new furniture to work in our hearts?!! As change is happening all around us, it is good, hard but good! And we look forward to the new memories that will be made on our new furniture, after all we hated furniture shopping so much that we will probably have our new stuff for 20 plus years too!

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