Friday, May 9, 2014

9 years-old!!!

Today was a big day at our house...
It was this sweet girls birthday today!!!! In case you may not know it, Jennifer loves it when it is anyone's birthday. But she definitely loves it when it is her birthday. So there was a lot of excitement going on, starting at about 6:15 this morning.
Our morning started off with a special birthday breakfast, a doughnut.  
 A candle in a doughnut and singing Happy Birthday, makes this girl very happy!

 She could hardly wait to open her presents.
 Jennifer was pretty excited about this present- roller skates!!
 Kelly was just looking cute while Jennifer opened her presents so I had to include a picture of her.
 We got Jennifer some elbow pads, knee pads and gloves to go with her skates. She looks like she is ready to go skating!!
 Striking a pose and looking so cute.
 The picture is a little blurry but Jennifer spent a good portion of the day in her skates. She rolled around the living room on her own and down the hall with a little help. While Jennifer loves her new roller skates, I may have wondered a time or two why we thought they were a great idea, it probably has nothing to do with the amount of times my toes may have been run over already...
 This afternoon we took Jennifer bowling!! She was pretty excited about getting to go bowling. And what made it even better was that some friends joined us for the fun. 

Sadly I didn't get very many pictures of the kids bowling but it was a fun time! Jennifer may have been more excited about eating at the bowling alley than she was about the bowling. We ended our fun day with ice cream (I actually have a bunch of funny pictures of us but I will save those for another day!).
As all 5 of us laid in bed early this morning, Bill asked if I ever would have dreamed when I woke up 9 years ago that this is what our family would look like. I laughed out loud at him! I never could have dreamed what God had in store for our family beginning 9 years ago today. And yet I am so very thankful and love how God has shaped our family into what it is.
Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!

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