Thursday, September 3, 2009

had to laugh

A few nights ago we decided to have a fire in the backyard. We were going to cook hotdogs and roast marshallows. So Bill and Jennifer are in the backyard getting everything ready. Bill is getting the wood in the fire pit and Jennifer is watching. I hear Bill tell Jennifer to get back because he is about to light the fire. I happen to glance out the window as the fire starts. Jennifer's response to the fire is "Oh, Happy Birthday!!". I could not help but laugh out loud. She saw the flame of the fire, it reminded her of candles on a cake I guess or just a candle in general, which is of course always makes her think of a birthday. Too funny! The things our sweet children think of and say. As I think of this a few days later it still brings a smile to my face. Jennifer could have cared less about cooking hotdogs or marshallows. Some friends came over to enjoy the time outside with us and Jennifer had more fun running around playing with her friend, which was sweet.

1 comment:

Ellen Stumbo said...

And I suppose the friends must remain nameless?
Jennifer's friend said her favorite part was falling on the ground and having Jennifer try to sit on her :)