Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a few pics

I was looking through some pictures the other day and thought I'd share a few. There are a lot, hard to choose which ones to put on!

Mikayla doing a little tummy time. She either does really well and holds her head up like champ or she just falls asleep, that is usually a lot easier!
Jennifer showing off her "big" tower of blocks, before knocking them over.
Bill and Jennifer roasting a marshmallow in the backyard. (Jennifer did not actually eat her marshmallow after roasting it, she has something with foods that have a weird texture.)
Jennifer pushing her friend Ellie on the swing. They had a great time playing in the backyard!
Mikayla sporting a hat. Jennifer thought we needed hats on one afternoon. Mikayla's is still a little bit big for her.

Daddy snuggling with his girls one morning.

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