Friday, August 14, 2009

busy week

It is good at the end of a long week to sit down for a minute and breath. The week started out with Bill and I (and Mikayla) going out of town for the annual staff retreat. We ended the week today with a long day at Mayo with Mikayla. There was of course a few things in between, I am glad this week is over. It was a good week but still am glad to have it over.
Here is a little update on sweet Mikayla. She had an echo today then we meet with the cardiologist as well as the surgeon. Everyone we had to meet with was wonderful and great to Mikayla. The doctors were pleased with Mikayla and we are going to schedule her surgery for early October. The surgeon prefers to do the surgery when babies are four months old. It has to do with the muscle around the valve that he will be repairing. The surgeon did a great job explaining the surgery to us but I do have to admit that I cannot rely that to you all!! I probably understood about half of what he said, I spend my days with two kids, medical terms are a little over my head. I do know they will crack Mikayla's chest, at some point in the surgery put her on bypass and stop her heart, they will work on her valve and repair the holes, one of which is fairly substantial from what I understand. The doctor said he would explain everything again before surgery, maybe I will get it all then. I think when I heard the words "crack her chest" and "stop her heart" I sort of didn't hear anything else. We will keep you all posted on how things are going and when surgery will be for sure. We have not been nervous about the fact that Mikayla will have to have surgery but there is something that sort of makes you stop and think as the doctor explains it all. We however have a peace because we know the One who created Mikayla and the One who cares for and loves her more than we do.
Mikayla got to meet some of her cousins this week, which was very fun. On Wednesday my brother and his family came to visit us. They had not meet Mikayla yet so they were wanting to see her and we had not seen our nephews for a while so we were wanting to see them. What a fun afternoon we had!! Before they left we thought we should try to get a picture of all the kids, they did pretty good I must admit!Our oldest nephew had been going crazy wanting to meet Mikayla. So Tuesday night when Bill's mom brought Jennifer home Cole came along to see Mikayla. What a sweet cousin he is! He was loving on Mikayla a ton, too sweet. I love this picture with Jennifer's arm around Cole.Bill and Jennifer enjoying a "pop". Jennifer loves having Popsicles. Everyday, three or four times a day Jennifer will go to the fridge and ask for a "pop". Then she precedes to pick out her color and the color everyone else wants. It is sweet. "You want one?" "A blue one?"

1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

What sweet girls you have. We'll be praying for the upcoming surgery.