Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Have you ever wanted something, really wanted something but had to wait for a while to get it? You know that waiting can be hard, you just want to get whatever it is so you can stop waiting, worrying and wanting.
I have had several people ask recently if we have heard anything about adoption and so I thought I would just let everyone know we are waiting. And I have to say waiting is hard. I was talking with a friend last night who has also adopted and we began to discuss how much harder the waiting is when you adopt verse when you are pregant. When you are pregant you know about when the baby will come, the baby is always with you, you feel it moving and you prepare yourself for the birth. With adoption we don't know when our baby will be born or even where our baby will be born. We simply anticipate an email or phone call saying that a mother likes our profile or that a baby was born that needs a home. The waiting is hard.
However there are lessons in the waiting, lessons that have changed our hearts, opened our eyes and made us grow. So although the waiting is hard we are thankful for the lessons we are learning. Throughout this process when my heart is breaking and aching for a child I am often brough back to the fact that God knows our family best, He knows who our next child is, where he will come from, when he will be born. God knows who baby McLeland will be and I need to let go and trust, which is not always easy. But oh the peace that comes from letting go and trusting it makes the waiting a little easier...

1 comment:

The Bergmans said...

Be patient my friend!! The perfect match is just around the corner :)
