Sunday, March 29, 2009

Looking back...

As we prepare for a new baby to come home I find myself looking back over the past almost four years of Jennifer's life. I was going through a tub of clothes this afternoon, looking for a few boy things that I knew we had, and as I looked at some of Jennifer's old clothes I was taken back to when she was just a tiny little baby. I was holding stuff up to Bill and remembering when Jennifer wore this or that and remembering little things about certain outfits. (I think Bill thought I was a little silly!) It kind of made me sad to think of how big she is now. Going to school, potty training, wanting to do everything herself! As I was looking back at our sweet daughter's stuff I quickly became excited about all the memories we will have with our new baby. A year from now I will be looking back and remembering when he was born, his first days our home, when he started rolling over, the list will go on and on. I can't wait for our baby to be born, so he can start making new memories for our family.

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