Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby McLeland

I had been waiting to post this but the word is getting out so I thought I should share. We are having a baby!!!! We have been chosen by a mom to be the forever family for her baby!!! We found out late last week and have slowly been sharing our exciting news (we actually found out a few days after I typed the "waiting" post). Our baby will be born at the end of April, so needless to say we are very excited about the fact that we will get to have the baby right after he is born. Our hope is that I will get to be there when the baby is born (the mom has said that she would like for me to be in the deliver room)! We do know that the baby will be a boy, that is funny to type, a boy! We have been so use to just a girl for almost four years that I'm not sure we will know what to do with a boy. There is a lot that needs to done around our house before a baby can home but I'm sure it will all get done before he arrives home.
There are of course a few uncertainties of how the next month will unfold. There is always the chance that the birth mom could change her mind and want to keep the baby. Which as hard as that will be for us, it would be a sweet decision for the mom. There is also the chance that the baby will not have Down syndrome, which in that case the mom will probably keep the baby (she has had some sort of testing done but that can always be wrong). So as excited as we are, we are also guarding our hearts a little bit, waiting to see how everything unfolds. As the next days and weeks unfold we will simply pray and trust God that he knows what will happen. As we find out more information I will be share with you all! Thanks for praying with and for us and for being a part of our journey!


The Bergmans said...

Congrats from the Bergmans!!! We couldn't be more happy. The birth mom has made a wonderful choice :) Can't wait to hear more...

The Janiszewski's said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!! I will be praying for God's will, patience and peace:)

In Him,
Lindsey (Mills) for the Janiszewski's