Tuesday, June 19, 2012

last vacation pics.

As I mentioned when I first posted vacation pictures I took a lot of pictures! So I will make these be the last.
We went and visited A Maze'n Farmyard one of the days. It had lots of activities for the kids to do and they all loved it. It was a lot better than spending a chilly day inside in a cabin with four kids. There was a little train that took us for a short ride. The kids thought it was great and that is all that matters!
 Everyone loved the big slide. I think all the kids would have done this a hundred if we would have let them. Even Mikayla thought it was great. When her and Bill got to the bottom she stood up and began signing more right away.

 There were pony rides, which at first Jennifer was very excited about. Then she realized the pony didn't go fast and she only got to go in a small circle. She was trying her hardest to get that pony to go faster and then she asked me if I could get the horse out of there (meaning out of the little ring). She just wanted to go faster, the pony going in a circle was not cutting it for her, give this girl a real horse!
 We tried getting Mikayla on a pony but she wanted nothing to do with it. She did love walking around the barn looking at the animals. There were several goats walking the barn and it was fun to watch her stop and tell them "no, no, no" as they got close to her. She thought she was big stuff.
 What is this you are wondering? I had to take a picture to remind myself never, ever to go in a maze again. I'm not a huge fan of small spaces and after twisting and turning through this wonderful maze I thought I was going to loose my mind, I think the fact that I needed to go to the bathroom didn't help matters at all. Just saying you will be hard pressed to get me to do something like this again.
 The kids ended the fun by playing on some blow up toys, very fun.

 It wouldn't be vacation without our day riding the power wheels and go-carts. We thought three of the kids would be able to ride these go-carts by themselves but their legs aren't quite long enough yet, maybe next year.
 So they had to settle with riding with the adults. They all still had a blast though.
 Of course there was more fishing. Jennifer loved driving the boat with Papa.
 Helping Papa get the fish ready for frying.
 There was also more time on the beach and in the water. 
 Papa was going to take all the kids out for a boat ride so he was giving them a few instructions before heading out on the water.
 After all that fun it was time our family photo and then it was time to hit the road and head back home.

Jennifer has already asked a few times this week if we can go back to vacation. Thanks to my family for a great week! We had a great time.

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