Tuesday, January 25, 2011

one last Christmas

We had one last Christmas over the weekend with my family. It was great spending the day with everyone.
Of course there were a few presents to open.
And Mikayla of course just wanted to play with the paper. She could care less that she had presents to open.
Once again the great grandparents got all the great grand kids a something Hawkeye. Mikayla got a cute little sweatshirt.
Jennifer and the boys got some pretty cool shirts. Jennifer was pretty excited because whenever Bill puts on an Iowa shirt she wants to put one on too, now she can!
The kids showing off their shirts. Seriously why is it so hard to get four kids to sit still and smile for a picture? In our case three of the four kids are pretty wound up and the fourth could really care less about any kind of picture being taken.
Giving a front and back view.
The whole family!
We ordered pizza for supper and afterwards Jennifer was walking around taking orders, it was very cute.
And to top a fun day off we got to go swimming! To this girl it was a pretty great day.

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