Saturday, January 8, 2011

kitchen help

Jennifer has loved helping in the kitchen for quite some time now but just recently Mikayla has started showing some interest in helping as well. Although I'm not so sure that her help is really all that helpful.
Here she is "cleaning" out the cupboard. We have a cupboard that has all the girls' bowls, plates, cups and our storage containers, this is sort of their cupboard to play in. However, I have found myself picking up the contents of the cupboards at least once a day for the past few weeks. I am starting to find it a little annoying I must admit, Mikayla on the other hand thinks it is kind of funny. If you look close enough at the picture you can see the big smile on her face!

Here she is surrounded by all her treasures.

When she is finished playing things end up all over the kitchen. She usually takes a few items with her to where ever she is going next.

The newest place that Mikayla has found is the dishwasher. If she sees it open she comes crawling as fast as she can, which is pretty fast. As I was putting things away the other day she decided to help out.
Taking things out that really needed to stay in.
"This looks like a great place for these to go."

Maybe in a few months my sweet helper will be a little more helpful for now I will just let her play, after all she is pretty cute even while making a mess of the kitchen!

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