Sunday, August 8, 2010

what to do?

So the question of the day was... What to do when the temperature in your house reads this?Just in case you think your eyes are playing tricks on you that really is a nine followed by a two. It really was 92 degrees in our house today. Now you maybe wondering if we did this on purpose. No way!! I would never do that do my girls! Yes our air is broken. Bill and my dad worked on it for a while and could not figure out what was wrong. We also had a friend call someone who came over and well the issue is bigger than originally thought.

So here is what we do when it is 92 degrees in our house...
We play in a tub full of ice cold water!!
We also get the slip-n-slide out to cool off!
We're felling cooler already!
Maybe drinking some of the water would help us cool off too.
More water is always good. It is good to be hydrated in the heat.
Or just soaking in the water and chewing on a toy may make things better.
Really this may have been the best idea, dumping a bowl full of water over your sister's head! Jennifer thought it was a great idea, Mikayla on the other hand thought maybe not.
More slip-n-slide fun.

The cold water feels really nice!
More water to drink is always good!
And finally enjoying a Popsicle while sitting in cold water. Ah, yes now maybe we could go back in the house, just maybe.

We will all be sleeping in the much cooler basement tonight (again). Hopefully tomorrow the temperature will be reading much cooler!


Hedlund Family said...

At least you stayed cool for a little while! (and had fun doing it!)

Anonymous said...

jen has a really sexybody i love her bum, too young to tell mummy too but old enough to enjoy what i do to her