Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Tonight Bill had a meeting to go to and whenever Bill has to go to a meeting we have to start preparing Jennifer a few hours before he leaves. Jennifer is very much a daddy's girl, if you didn't know, and really hates it when he leaves. So this afternoon shortly after Bill got home from work I mentioned to Jennifer that dad had a meeting to go to later. Jennifer's response was immediate, "Daddy, no meeting!" She repeated, "No meeting dad" and then said, "Mom go to meeting?" Really I think she would have been fine if I had to leave just not her dad! Later at supper Jennifer had prayed and was then was asking Bill and I to pray. During my prayer I said something about Bill having a good meeting, as soon as those words came out of my mouth Jennifer calls out "No meeting!" Then she had grand idea, "I go to meeting!" She was really convinced she could just go with Bill to his meeting and repeated several times, "I go to meeting!" Bill and I were cracking up at her. Her face and voice are what made it so funny. She was yelling with excitement at this grand idea of hers. Needless to say she did not get to go to the meeting and had to settle for an evening at home with mom and Mikayla, in her mind not as fun as a meeting with dad.

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