Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a bird?

We are not early risers in our house. So on school mornings I set my alarm to make sure we have ample time to get ready and out the door. The girls are usually our alarm clocks and depending on the morning they both will sleep in so as much as I hate the sound of the alarm clock it has to be set. This morning Jennifer was already awake when the alarm went off but we were still laying in bed, she was of course in bed with Bill and I. As the alarm starting going off Jennifer looked at me, "What's that?!" She has heard the sound before so I'm sure what made her ask. So I responded, "It's the alarm." Jennifer's response back to me, "It's a bird!" Me: "What a bird?" Jen: "Yeah, a bird. Dad it's a bird." Me: "It's the alarm saying wake up, wake up." Jen: "Dad, a bird, its a bird." I have no idea where the idea that the alarm sounded like a bird came from but she was pretty convinced it was a bird. The funny thing is that I think I may dislike birds just as much as I dislike the sound of the alarm. Always great to start the morning with a crazy conversation with your four year old.

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