Friday, October 10, 2014

Last minute fun

Yesterday afternoon a friend gave us some wristbands to the amusement park at Mall of America. The only downfall, they expired today. What to do? Let the wristbands go to waste or make a last minute day trip to use them? After much debating we decided the wristbands could not go to waste. So we were up early and headed up north. 
This smile about five minutes after we got there says it all. We made the right choice, it was worth the last minute decision to make the trip!

 This sweet baby was too little to do anything but she still had a great day, she was in a great mood and loved watching everything and everyone. 
 At first Bill went on a few of the rides with the girls and then we let them do most of the rides on their own. So fun to watch them!!
 This silly girl loved the Blues Clue ride. All by herself!
 My smiley girl being silly while her sisters were riding rides.

 Our final stop before leaving the park was visiting a character. It just happen to be SpongeBob, which the girls were very excited about. His "helper" mentioned that it was almost time for Bob to take a break, so I thought this was going to be short and sweet. SpongeBob was amazing to the girls! He took his time and hugged them, lots, danced with them and gave them tons of high fives.

 Before he went off for his break SpongeBob came over to were I was standing, I thought it just shake Kelly's hand but he also shook my hand. I then watched him walk over to Bill, who was waiting for the girls, and he shook Bill's hand as well. This SpongeBob clearly had a connection with our girls. It was a sweet way to end our fun day.
 After a few more stops and quick bite to eat, these two girls were wiped out from a fun, busy day.
 This faker wanted her picture taken too. Although she was not really sleeping, rarely does she sleep in the van, even after a fun filled day of playing.

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