Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving (finally)

It feels as though Thanksgiving was over a month ago, instead of just a few weeks ago. After spending Thanksgiving day with Bill's family we were off to celebrate with my family. We even got to celebrate an early Christmas, which was exciting for the girls and we got to go swimming which was just as exciting!
Mikayla girl was ham for the two days we were with my family! And she was walking to everyone, it was fun to watch her. I'm pretty sure she thought that was enough walking for a few days because once we got home she wasn't as into. She's getting there though, one of her therapists goals was that she would be walking all the time by Christmas, that may not happen but we are getting closer.
Mikayla checking our her stocking with a little help from Papa.
A new Hawkeye shirt, I love it!
Of course Jennifer couldn't show off her new shirt without a funny face.
Opening more presents, Mikayla was kind of into it, although she kind of takes her time, she isn't quiet into ripping it open like her sister just yet.
Reading a new book.
As always a picture of everyone!
Trying to get these four to take a picture together is always interesting! Gotta love them though, they are all pretty darn cute.
These two had a great Thanksgiving/early Christmas and were exhausted when we got home!

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