Tuesday, November 8, 2011

warmer days

As the days get colder and there is talk of snow tonight I thought I would remember some warmer days from a few weeks ago. When we could be outside playing and not worry about the cold.
Bill and the girls played in a pile of leaves while I mowed our yard one last time, this is from a month ago I do believe, it seems so long ago! Jennifer thought is was great to ride the bike into the leaves.
Mikayla is always excited to get to be in on the action!
Making funny faces for dad, Mikayla is checking out her sister to see what to do.
These pictures are from a few weeks ago, it was time to clean up the yard before the cold set in. Lots of leaves to be racked, even though we only have two small trees in our yard, it was crazy all the leaves we had!
The girls thought it was great to play in the leaves, in the back of the truck.

Mikayla helping out a little bit.
Where did Jennifer go?
Oh there she is buried by leaves!
We finally chopped down our sunflowers too. The size of them really is amazing.
This was the shorter of the two and it looked much pretty before it dried out.
I am hoping the snow stays away, at least for now, although I would have one happy and excited child if there was snow on the group in the morning.

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