Tuesday, December 7, 2010

snowy fun

I must admit I was not really ready for it to snow, I was a little crabby about it actually. However, Jennifer was very excited about the snow. When we picked her up from school on Friday she walked outside and very excitedly noticed the snow, she held out her arms and started shouting, "Its snowing, it's snowing!" Then Saturday morning when we went outside to play in the snow the giggles that came from my girls made the snow a little more bearable.
Mikayla all bundled up and ready to check out the snow.
Of course I thought I should get a picture of the girls together. It didn't really work so well, Jennifer had more important things to do and Mikayla just wasn't impressed with me at all.
As this picture shows I needed to just put the camera away and move onto playing.
Mikayla was not all about trying to ride in the sled with Jennifer so Jen thought she would pull her. Really it was very sweet. Both girls thought this was great! Jennifer was pulling Mikayla around the yard, talking to her as they went and Mikayla loved it.
Jennifer was going to try to make a snow angle but it didn't really work out for her.
I wasn't sure if Mikayla would try to move around in her big snowsuit but she crawled everywhere!
Each year we set the camera on the front step and take a family picture in the snow, usually the picture doesn't happen until towards the end of the winter season but since we were all outside we thought we would get an early winter picture.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Very neat. I love to have the kids play in the snow (doesn't happen often here), but I hate the bundling up, then the wet when they come inside. I don't play outside myself much. Too much trouble. I'm such a humbug!